Recordings of the online video training sessions. Go to the online training page. View the recording of the terminal window (right-click to download) Getting started, data types, variables, expressions, file IO, etc. You need Flash player 8+ and JavaScript enabled to view this video. Introduction, info on Hangout, Google Plus, overall plan for training sessions, other possible sources for help. Basics, outline, atlas files, directories, some useful Linux commands for atlas 1+1=2, Software basics: setting variables, data types, quit command atlas-scripts directory, .at files, help files:,installation, software requirements, designing principles of axis language, lists of data types,, Comments, \{TAB TAB\}, command completion, readline library test,more useful Linux shortcuts, whattype command, operations on integers: division rounding down, remainder, n-tuples, print, prints Redefining variables, the ":" syntax, vectors, vec:, arrays, vector coordinates, operations on vectors, operations on different types. Use of $ rational vectors, % on rational vectors, booleans Matrices, mat:, arrays of integer arrays, matrix operations, transpose, invert commands. Loading .at files, < input command, launching atlas with path argument for supplementary files, file. Inverse command, invertible matrices over Z. File output command: > outputfile, append command: >> Solving matrix equations, null space Functions, definitions, input and output types, example of functions scripts, basic for loops for loops, while loops in, examples of such loops in .at files Go to part B Return to online-training page for information about upcoming training sessions.
Recordings of the online video training sessions. Go to the online training page.
View the recording of the terminal window (right-click to download)
Getting started, data types, variables, expressions, file IO, etc.
Go to part B
Return to online-training page for information about upcoming training sessions.