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Root systems, complex groups, real groups, atlas coordinates
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- Welcome back. Questions from previous hour. Function arguments/outputs queries: whattype "function" ?, "function"@("input"), inputs/outputs for the + function, e.g. +@(mat,int)
- Data type: LieType, atlas functions: simply_connected, adjoint, simple_roots, simple_coroots. Root datum in atlas, isogenies; SL(2), GL(2), PSL(2)
- More Lie groups, The file groups.at, realform data type, GL(2,R), Sp(4,R), posroots, poscorrots, rho, GL(3,R), SL(3,R)
- The file lietypes.at, strings, type C4, fundamental weight coordinates, Sp(8,R)
- Simple roots of SL(5,R), atlas coordinates.
- More on atlas' choice of coordinates, help files.
- The file atlas-functions.help
- More Lie group information, Lie algebra, connectednes, root datum, split, quasisplit, adjoint; nr_of_Cartan_classes, print_cartan_info (for a real torus), imaginary, real and complex roots
- real_forms, for loop to print real forms, cartan classes along realforms, sp(4)
- real forms in an inner class. SL(5,R), distinguished involution, outer outomorphisms
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