Basic Operators

Operator Argument(s) -> Result(s) Brief Description
+, -, * (int,int->int) usual integer arithmetic operations
- (int->int) integral unary minus
^ (int,int->int)
integer exponentiation
(whenever result integral)
\, % (int,int->int) integer (Euclidian) division and remainder
\% (int,int->int,int) Euclidian division with remainder
+, -, \*, / (rat,rat->rat) usual rational arithmetic operations
+, -, \*, / (rat,int->rat) more efficient in applicable bcases
% (rat,int->rat)
remainder after removing
greatest integer multiple
% (rat,rat->rat)
remainder after removing
greatest integer multiple
- (rat->rat) rational unary minus
/ (rat->rat) rational unary divide (in other words: inverse)
^ (rat,int->rat)
rational exponentiation
(whenever result defined)
% (rat->int,int) pair of numerator and denominator
+, - (vec,vec->vec) addition/subtraction of vectors of equal size
- (vec->vec) vector unary minus
* (vec,int->vec) scalar multiplication (note the operand order)
\ (vec,int->vec) scalar division, rounding down
% (vec,int->vec) remainder in scalar division
* (vec,vec->int) scalar product
+, - (mat,mat->mat) matrix addition and subtraction
* (mat,vec->vec) matrix-vector product
* (mat,mat->mat) matrix-matrix product
* (vec,mat->mat) vector-matrix product (vector is transposed)
^ (mat->mat) (unary use of ^) matrix transposition
^ (vec->mat)
(unary use of ^) (transposed) vector
as 1-line matrix
+, - (mat,int->mat)
of multiple of identity
+, - (int,mat->mat)
from multiple of identity
/ (vec,int->ratvec) vector division giving rational vector
% (ratvec->vec,int) pair of numerator vector and denominator
+, - (ratvec,ratvec->ratvec) additive rational vector arithmetic
*, /, % (ratvec,int->ratvec) scalar rational vector operations
*, / (ratvec,rat->ratvec) scalar rational vector operations
- (ratvec->ratvec) unary minus of rational vectors
* (mat,ratvec->ratvec) left-multiplication my matrix of ratvec
* (ratvec,mat->ratvec) right-multiplication my matrix of ratvec
=, != (int->bool) test for equality/inequality against 0
>=, > (int->bool)
non-negative, positive
(note op. on wrong side)
<=, < (int->bool)
non-positive, negative
(note op. on wrong side)
>, >=, <, <=,
=, !=
(int,int->bool) usual relational operators
=, != (rat->bool) test for equality/inequality against 0/1
>=, > (rat->bool)
non-negative, positive
(note op. on wrong side)
<=, < (rat->bool)
non-positive, negative
(note op. on wrong side)
>, >=, <, <=,
=, !=
(rat,rat->bool) usual relational operators
=, != (bool,bool->bool) Boolean equivalence, inequivalence (xor)
=, != (string->bool) test for being (or not being) the empty string
>, >=, <, <=,
=, !=
(string,string->bool) relational operators
=, != (vec->bool) test for being (or not being) a zero vector
>=, > (vec->bool)
test for all entries being
=, != (vec,vec->bool) vector equality and inequality
=, != (ratvec->bool) test for being a (or not) zero rational vector
>=, > (ratvec->bool) test for all entries non-negative/positive
=, != (ratvec,ratvec->bool) rational vector equality, inequality
=, != (mat->bool) test for being a (or not) zero matrix
=, != (mat,mat->bool) matrix equality and inequality
# (string->int) length of string
# (vec->int) number of components of vector
# (ratvec->int) number of components of rational vector
# (mat->int,int) dimensions (rows, columns) of a matrix
# ([T]->int) number of components of row (T is any type)
# (string,string->string) string concatenation
# (vec,vec->vec) concatenation of vectors
# (vec,int->vec) append element to a vector
# (int,vec->vec) prepend element to a vector
# ([T],[T]->[T]) concatenation of rows (T is any type)
# ([T],T->[T]) append element to a row (T is any type)
# (T,[T]->[T]) prepend element to a row (T is any type)
# (int,[vec]->mat)
combine columns of given fixed height
into matrix
^ (int,[vec]->mat)
combine rows of given fixed length
into matrix