Recordings of the online video training sessions. Go to the online training page. Here is the terminal output. You need Flash player 8+ and JavaScript enabled to view this video. G=SO(4,2) Block of the tivial. Cuspidal Levi factors of G. G=SO(5,1) Only one conjugacy class of Cartan subgroups. G=Sp(4,R) Inducing from DS vs inducing from other irreducibles. G=SL(2,R) Composition Series, Character formulas. KL_P and KL_Q polynomials and KL matrix. G=Sp(4,R) KL matrix. KL polynomials and Jantzen filtration. G=SO(4,4) PSO(4,4), Spin(4,4). block_sizes matrix, Triality, Vogan duality. Sp(8,R) Block sizes matrix, real forms, dual group real forms, Vogan duality. Go to part A Return to online-training page for information about upcoming training sessions.
Here is the terminal output.
Go to part A
Return to online-training page for information about upcoming training sessions.